Llamas del Sol Rescue Llamas
We have several llamas that come through to be tamed before being adopted out. Some of them have come to stay to live out their days with us. It is hard to part with them after spending so much time on taming and handling and if we could, we would want to keep them all. Typically, If you visit us, you will meet many llamas at various stages of being worked with.

Dalai was one of our first llamas and came on Valentines Day in 2009 when she was about a year old. Dalai is very curious about everything – she likes to know what is going on and will be the lookout for everyone else. She will guard the herd and is not afraid to confront anything. She will do anything for a llama treat which has made her a superstar at learning what we want from her. Dalai is a favorite for many trekkers because of her keen interest to get to know her handler. She will come up close to you if she thinks you have food. Dalai was rescued from living in a tiny corral at an abandoned farm when she was 18 months old.

Silver is an older gelding who used to pack in the mountains around Lamy, New Mexico. He would jump in the back of his owner's pickup truck without hesitation and carry a saddle and packs up to the water falls and browse on the greenery. He is unknown age but has retired from packing and has arthritis in his front knees now. That doesn't stop him from running out the field when the gate is opened up for him to go browse. Silver is easy going and a lovely old gelding who gets to hang out with the females now. He had decided he wants to be with Dalai and they like to take their naps in the same stall during the heat of the day together.
Sundance was surrendered to SWLR in November of 2019. He came with 5 other llamas from Aspen, Colorado. He was an intact male who arrived with another intact male (Chico) and four females from the same family. We estimate that Sundance was 3 to 4 years old - he still had some late baby teeth in front of his incisors that finally fell out around January 2020. He is very playful and also likes to lead the pack. A few times when on the trail for a walk he would want to drop and roll for a quick dust bath. Although a little skittish, his curiosity usually makes him want to be in the front of the pack. He is also good a protecting the little llamas.
Chico is short for Topo Chico. He came from Aspen Colorado when he was about 3 years old in November 2019 with five other llamas. Chico is a calm lama and took to being led on halter like a natural. He waits for Sundance to make sure they stay together. Chico will come right up to you to see if you are friendly and have a treat. He is also very kind to all the other llamas. He is being pack trained with Sundance.
A 12 year old Riley came from Cortez Colorado in June 2022 and has been giving us llama kisses ever since. He gently approaches you with the hope of a treat if he gives you a llama kiss - a duration of breath exchange. His breath is sweet and his attention mesmerizing. He is gelded now but still is pretty enthusiastic about going in the trailer for a ride to where he hopes he will meet some lady llamas.
Panda came to use from Dove Creek, Colorado as a yearling male the same day we got Riley in Cortez. Panda followed Riley around for several weeks before he bonded even more strongly to Chico. We have noticed that llamas often like to hang out with their age peers. Panda has become a big brother now to Wookie. See the Remote Foster page to read about Wookie.