This would not have been nearly so successful had it not been for the generosity and good will of my neighbors. I was so proud of my neighborhood here in the Villiage of Alameda as there was so much interest and support. We had 20 attendees and about 25 anaimals - llamas and alpacas to work with. Leslie Stoddard of Albuquerque Alapacas provided extra alpacas and panels, Ruth and Lance Baldwin provided tents to shade us from the sun, Nellie and Chris Chavez provided chairs and a wonderful green chili stew for lunch, Leonard and Julia Martinez provided over 20 panels, Larry and Carolyn Bizell provided panels, and then there were all the attendees who came and made it all possible.
We learned a tremendous amount and got to know each other and a variety of animals including Carolyn Ownby's Montana rescue llamas from the horrible situation in Montana last winter that required over 300 llamas to be evacated to save their lives. And what wonderful llamas they were to have at the clinic as they proved that llamas coming from a difficult situation can be revived and become very well adjusted and trust people again. The camelidynamic techniques were such a great fit and we saw a new favorable response.